New photos of our stainless steel race tracks

Racing Art Designs recently received some new photos of its stainless steel racing track sculptures from satisfied clients! Take a closer look at this photo of Fiorano, in Italy, the test track of world famous racing car manufacturer Ferrari!

And obvisously, what should we find Inside this garage? A Ferrai F360 Modena, one of the models which has now become a classic of the prancing horse car brand!  

Perfectly suited to racing car garages, the stainless steel track sculptures perfectly decorate the walls of these rooms, just as well as race posters or flags! For connaisseurs, having their favourite race track fixed to the wall of their garage, where the very race cars that have driven around this track are stored, takes all it’s meaning! The feeling is very special.

Despite this, Racing Art Designs stainless steel sculptures are just as nice inside a house. They are absolutely perfect on a single tone wall for example. The brushed steel effect is particularly elegant: the look is modern and classy.

One of Racing Art Designs’ strenghths is the broad range of tracks available on sale, over 700 world tracks. And the good news: if the given track you are looking for isn’t on sale, R.A.D. is able to create custom design on demand!

Posted on 2017-02-01 News 0 4183

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