Racing Art Designs getting news coverage!

Racing Art Designs getting news coverage!

Our sculptures on the Racing News website

During last December the English speaking website Racing News dedicated a complete article about Racing Art Designs' stainless steel sculptures. And what did they enjoy the most? Mainly the clean and minimalist look of the sculptures, but also the fact the website offers Nascar tracks like the famous Bristol Motor Speedway.  

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R.A.D. in News d'Anciennes the specialist French old fashioned car site

Our race track sculptures also seduced the French website News d'Anciennes, one of France's old fashioned vintage car websites. The site focuses mainly on the fact the products are made in France and also how they are made.

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Racing Art Designs in Auto Lifestyle

Another online magazine to publish an article about R.A.D. race track sculptures is Auto Lifestyle website. They hade already mentioned wooden track sculptures and decided this time to talk about the French stainless steel version

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Posted on 2017-02-07 News 0 3875

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